Our friendly society meets at Stokenham Parish Hall on the second Tuesday of the month between September and April. We enjoy excellent speakers on a range of subjects related to plants and gardening followed by refreshments. Membership is £15 per year and £2 per meeting, visitors are always welcome (£5). We end our year with a grand plant sale each May which is enormously popular.

For further information contact Julia Churchley 07900 321681, or email julia.churchley@hotmail.co.uk

2023/24 Programme

12 Sept 7.30pm Practical propagation evening.

10 Oct 7.30pm My time as RHS Chelsea Flower Show Manager. Saul Walker

14 Nov 2.30pm Devon Butterflies. Barry Henwood

21 November Society Lunch at The Globe, Frogmore

12 Dec 2.30pm Willow craft session. Sue Radford.

9 January 2.30pm Colour in the Winter Garden. Emma Hutchinson

13 February 2.30pm The Beauty of Bees. Melanie Pope

12 March 2.30pm Daffodil Show, AGM and shared afternoon tea

9 April Frittiscombe Flowers. Sophie Lake

18 May. 10am Plant Sale, Chillington Village Hall

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