Do you want to do more for our community?
As a Parish Councillor, you could help to look after, and improve, many of the facilities in our parish. See What the Parish Council Does.
We currently have a full roster of councillors, but vacancies can and do arise at regular intervals. If you feel you would like to contribute to our community by putting your name forward to join the Council then we’d be very glad to hear from you.
What’s Involved?
It is possible to spend a lot of time on council work – but most people have jobs, families and hobbies that also demand a lot of time. As with most things, however, the more you put in, the more you (and our community) will get out.
Our Parish Council now meets 11 times a year, on the third Thursday of the month (no meeting in August). Meetings start at 7.30 and should normally be over by 9.30.
You will be invited to join one or more of the Parish Council’s committees, which look after Footpaths, Planning, Finance and various other aspect of council business. These committees work increasingly by email, but hold occasional meetings. Site visits, for example to keep an eye on play equipment or developments, are also needed from time to time.
A lot of what the Council does is common sense, but we do run a short induction session for new councillors, and Devon Association of of Local Councils (DALC) runs training workshops.
See the Good Councillor’s Guide booklet (from the National Association of Local Councils) for more information about the duties of a Parish Councillor or ask the clerk for a copy.
Who can apply?
We welcome applicants from any section of the community, but to qualify you must be:
- a British subject or Irish citizen,
- 18 years of age or over, and
- either in the list of electors for the Parish or, during the whole of the preceding twelve months,
(i) have occupied land in the parish as owner or tenant, or
(ii) had a principal place of work here, or
(iii) resided in or within three miles of it.
Still interested?
For more information, please contact Gill Claydon in the first instance on 01548 581185, or email